
Are there any nationally recognized bookkeeping programs
Are there any nationally recognized bookkeeping programs

are there any nationally recognized bookkeeping programs

Books, supplies, and other fees are not included in this estimate.

are there any nationally recognized bookkeeping programs

Your price will vary depending on your specialization, transfer credits, tuition discounts, and (in FlexPath) how quickly you complete courses. *This is only an estimate, effective July 10, 2023, and is subject to change. Review the Capella career exploration guide to learn more about this program and career paths to explore.


Apply appropriate professional and ethical standards relevant to the field of accounting.Report financial results and accounting information for use by organizational stakeholders.Leverage technology in the field of accounting for functional effectiveness and efficiency.Communicate professionally within the field of accounting.Incorporate business and economic contingencies that influence accounting systems.Organize and interpret financial information.Establish appropriate accounting systems and strategies for business and organizations.On successful completion of this program, you should be able to: This specialization is not designed to prepare students for a CPA exam. In addition, students in this specialization demonstrate the interpersonal and communication skills required to present information to both internal and external clients, influencing organizational effectiveness at all levels of an organization. Students also gain and practice an understanding of a wide array of accounting-related services, including budget analysis, financial and investment planning, and financial statement and internal control auditing. In the accounting specialization, students acquire and apply various methods of ethically maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records and reporting procedures for business transactions.

Are there any nationally recognized bookkeeping programs